CT90 Testing Issue With Harbor Freight Compression Tester and a Correction Factor to Fix the Issue

One of the most basic things you can do to check the health of your CT90 is do a compression check. The compression tester I own is one I picked up at Harbor Freight made by U.S. General. The compression tester comes as a set that includes the basic gauge and attached hose along with three adapters that fit most typical spark plug applications, including the one that fits the CT90 spark plug hole. While I have never had any issues using this compression tester on any of my cars, when I have used it on my CT90's it always seemed to give me an abnormally low reading even on bikes where I had just redone the top end with a new piston, freshly bored cylinder, and lapped and correctly adjusted valves. I also noticed while spending some time on various on-line sites that other people were having the same issue with this compression tester, so I decided to spend a little time and try to better understand the low results being seen with the use of this compression tester, especially