Product Review - CT90 Clutch Tool

CT90 Clutch Tool I purchased this clutch tool off of eBay over a year ago and have now used it a number of times and its still going strong and I have been very happy with the purchase. I mentioned the tool in a previous post related to working on your CT90 clutch , but thought I would share a few additional thoughts here. To rebuild the clutch pack on a CT90 you first need to remove it and that process involves the removal of a special nut that requires a spanner tool to loosen it. While it may be possible to remove the nut using a punch or some other backwoods mechanic method that stands a high chance of screwing something up, the right way is to purchase a spanner tool given how cheap they are on eBay. I purchased this tool off of eBay for $6.55 and there are several sellers that offer this same tool for a similar price. The tool is designed to work with two sizes of spanner nuts, 22 mm and 24 mm (what is needed for your CT90).